In 100th Country

The starting of my journey in Liberia was treacherous. I have also been to a situation where my ride was very tough and at some point I thought like getting rid of pedaling.


Liberian people on my way, it was possible to be in Nepal Force Police Unit 2 in Greenville and to Nepal Force Police Unit 1 in Monrovia. After which I was able to get rid of tiresome experience in my journey.



In Monrovia FPU 1, I got a chance to meet the commander SP Gopal Gurung, Rajesh Aryal and Manita Aryal. Having a chance to just meet them, get some motivation and share some belongingness was enough to get me out of the hardship I have been through.In-100th-Country3-300x225


Some days later for my delight; Rajesh Aryal and Manita Aryal informed me that they have co-ordinated a program to congratulate me and I would also get a chance to share my message and about me to people from 10 diffferent countries. I was on the ninth cloud.In-100th-Country5

SP Gopal Gurung had then made all the arrangement to support and facilitate organization of program for about 100 guests from 10 different countries around the world.


It was the greatest honor to have Liberian Government officials and honourable dignitaries to hear my message and know about me and my travels. I shared how and why I travel; I expressed myself that I wish to have at least a small impact on people’s life to work for peace and harmony and change their behavior just a little to protection of environment. I wish, people to use the optimum level they can to have environment friendly habits like cycling.In-100th-Country7

The question answer session followed after sharing my message and it was a delight to further elaborate about my tour especially inside Liberia. It was good to find people ready to support “Giving The Gift to Mobility“ program of Furtemba Sherpa Foundation who are in helping disabled, needy and underprivileged people with wheelchairs.



Now with all the best wishes, encouragement and support, I have gathered enough enthusiasm and will power to pedal more in my journey to spread my message to 51 more countries.In-100th-Country10-320x179

Thank you all and special thanks to respected Nepalese in Liberia for making the program possible.